...as in, gardening, silly!
We are so excited to have gardening space! With this house we'll be renting (moving in May 1st), we'll have a bunch of space for gardening. It's somewhat difficult to know, now, what parts of the yard are going to be good for growing (adequate sunlight and so forth). But, we have the freedom to use however much of it we want.
Of course, since we aren't moving in until May, and I've read the ideal planting time is Memorial Day/weekend, I'm going to try starting some seeds indoors. It's difficult, with the cloudy Winter days, and our slight Eastern-but mostly Northern-exposures, to get adequate sunlight, so this will probably involve the use of growing lamps. I've never started anything from seed (well, not since elementary school, anyway), so this should be interesting. If all else fails, we can do what we did last year and purchase some plants from a greenhouse.
I've just started by making a few lists (I LOVE lists!). One list is a "wish list" of things I'd love to have growing right in our back yard, and up on the deck in pots, and in windows inside, etc., etc..
These things are:
Asparagus (apparently, this won't supply anything for 3 years...?)
Bell Peppers
Carrots (wondering what it would take to keep them in the ground over the Winter)
Garlic (in pots)
Herbs (in pots and in window sills)
Potatoes (like the carrots: keep in the ground??)
Snap peas
Summer squash
Winter Squash
This is a bit overzealous, I realize, and we may not be able to do it all. That's why it's a wish list. And, I'm sure Michael will have somethings to add/subtract.
Given the list above, what we should be starting in pots:
I may want to just start as much as possible inside, just to be sure. Of course, the stuff that will come up later in the summer or early fall can be planted later (I think), so I shouldn't have to worry about those.
This is, of course, going to take some more research, but I'm excited to get started. I think it's crucial to make a trip to the book store. This book sounds like a good place to start.
Along with what to plant when, we'll have to figure out what is involved in creating a rain barrel, and, of course, a compost. These are things we've agreed on being "musts" ever since we started dreaming of having a garden. Composting isn't terribly complicated, but there may some secrets out there to making supreme organic material for our garden.
My friend, Jacqui, is also going to have access to a plot of land this Summer, so she and I are going to exchange some tips and information tomorrow night. We've also thought about sharing the fruits of our labor. I would love it if we knew more folks doing this, so that we could have a sort of "community of growers" right within our own group of "peeps". Until then, it's our intent to share our knowledge and our space with anyone interested...canning parties and outdoor dinners are definite Summer activities we're already planning!!
WooHoo! I can't wait to get down and dirty and to have a "harvest" party! It will be so wonderful. Can't wait to share info tonight :-)
Here is a website on potential good information on composting. I think Michael would like it alot. It is very detailed and scientific.
You're right - that article on composting is right up Mike's alley. Thanks:)
You should ask Jed about this. He has a really neat way to make little seedlings. Check out his blog over at his MySpace called "Extruded microclimate fudgecake". Here's his URL: http://www.myspace.com/peakoilzombiecrusher76
Square foot gardening might be ideal for you guys as you can relocate it very easily. I would suggest maybe even investing in some garden mesh as to lesson the load of weeding. Can't wait to compare notes!
Anita- I do remember seeing that on Jed's blog..I'll certainly check it out again. And, yes, I too have thought about the square foot gardening concept, and think it would be smart.
It's all very exciting!! So glad to have people (a whole 3 people) to share this excitement with!
Oooo, I love your garden ideas! I had so many ideas to setup the garden this spring...but now that the little one is on the way, I'm trying to be honest with myself and realize I won't want to be doing too much gardening this summer. I do want some tomatoes though (can't beat a fresh tomato!!), so maybe I will be satisfied with that :)
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