24 March 2009

Bargain Hunting...or Pirate in Training?

I'm not a "braggadocios" type of person. Never have been. But, it seems the rare occasions that warrant bragging, in my life, are finding some great deals. I am a "thrift" shopper by nature. I will take used, second-hand, hand-me-down stuff over new, any day of the week. I've always been more comfortable in and around things that have age and character. Fortunately, that usually means savings too!

One of my favorite places to shop is NuLook - a great consignment shop at 50th and Penn. I went today, with fingers crossed, for some pants...

I had to post about my loot today, in part, because it involves pants. I've been on the hunt for some comfortable bottoms since I started expanding, and always, always, always came up short. It's quite frustrating. Well, today, I found three pairs! Two of the three are not maternity, just a larger size than I normally wear (which will be useful for a while yet, and again post-birth). All three are super comfy, and in great condition. As you can see, there are two pairs of black, but one is a dress slack (J. Crew), the other for yoga (the latter are actually maternity).

I also picked up two pairs of shoes. One is a boot, very (very) similar to the boots I've been wearing, but newer and in much better shape (the old pair are getting tossed - a hole in the seam and a Winter's worth of salt and mud means trash - but, at least I bought those used too, so I don't hardly feel bad about tossing them. Though, I wonder if there's a way to strip down shoes for parts...). Originally $24; at 75% off, I got 'em for 6 bucks!! Oh, and they're NINE WEST.

The other is a pair of slip-on's, for everyday wear. These babies came in at a whopping $2! And, they're DOCKERS. I feel like a pirate!!

**please ignore the pasty white legs in the pictures, or quickly move past them to avoid hurting your eyes**

**also: I'm not typically one to boast about brands, but I've come to realize you get what you pay for, and seeing certain names on the labels means you'll get a bit more life out of them, which, essentially, means lowering your overall consumption**

The sweater in the picture is another proud score. It's a long, cozy sweater with a hood (I love long sweaters!), in warm browns. Perfect for days like today, the quintessential windy, overcast Spring day. I took it to the register, thinking I was getting away with something tricky when the tag read 75% off, making it 6 bucks. To my surprise, it rang up $2!! Apparently, they were having an "anything with a date older than 11/1/08 is $2" sale today. Yay, me!!

All in all, 3 pairs of pants, a sweater and two pairs of shoes cost me $58. That's $11.60 an item. Sure, you could do just as well, or better, at some place like Wal-mart, but not only would you not get the quality of names like Dockers and J. Crew for that price, but you'd also be supporting a corrupt system of underpaid workers ("slaves" is probably the better term) and a corporation that cares more about its bottom dollar than its employees or the community naively supporting it. Consignment shops and thrift stores are nearly always (if not always) locally-owned, often times hire developmentally disabled persons, or they're a non-profit benefitting the community (instead of depleting it). AND, of course, you're not buying new when you're shopping thrift and consignment. New items carry a huge eco-footprint, and often times (especially at this one) consignment shops are plum-full of quality items worn very little by rich-bitches (oops) who need the latest & greatest. Take advantage - go pirating!!! It feels great.
