Michael has a pretty full evening away from home tonight, so I'm taking advantage of having dinner alone, and eating just what I want: pickles, pickled herring, crackers, white cheddar and tomatoes. I could have thrown a bunch more stuff on there, but figured this was a good mix.
And, I'm watching a girlie movie (not that Michael's opposed to those; he just wouldn't choose to watch them).
The sky is gray (the perfect Spring gray), I have a couple of candles burning and my shoes are off. Time to start the movie and get snackin'!
It's snowing here in Brainerd. The snow is so wet and heavy that it sticks to the trees. Last night the power was off for hours. Mother Nature's April Fool on us, eh? :o) Hope you had a splendid day.
Ick. I'm sorry you guys are getting it so bad. It's depressing here to see it snowing, but at least it isn't accumulating. I'm sure the urban heat has a lot to do with our (fortune).
Hope you're getting through alright, and the sun starts shining in your neck of the woods soon.
Cheese and pretty crackers!
...and pickled herring! I love it:)
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