A to-go container that isn't plastic!! This awesome little unit is from
To-Go Ware, and is perfect for taking lunches to work, if you take your lunch to work (which I hope you do), and you work in an office (my husband is getting one of these, pronto!). Plus, you can get these recycled bamboo utensils, along with this nifty little bag, made of recycled cotton, to carry it all in.


Recycled vintage belts make a pretty interesting-looking rug..apparently. I saw
this as an entire floor first, and was intrigued but not crazy about the idea. But, I love it as a rug! Especially this particular one, with its variety of color and visual texture. Very cool.

finally scored Songs From The Big Chair on vinyl this weekend! Of course, I haven't been looking for long, since - for some reason - I thought I already had it. I realized I in fact did not have it about a month ago, and have had my eyes peeled since. My husband and I go to
Cheapo quite regularly (one of our weekend rituals) to see what we can find (it's one of the few consumer items outside of food and other necessities that we grant ourselves - and we end up with used albums 99% of the time). Well, we hit Cheapo this weekend, as usual, and the first place I looked was the New Arrivals for Saturday, and there it was! We put the record on as soon as we got home, and...all I can say is, it's so much better than the CD or the cassette tape, as they usually prove to be:)

"Window shopping"
Etsy.com this morning, I came across this woman's shop, and ooh'd and awe'd for a good twenty minutes, at least!
Treehouse28 is where I would purchase all of my clothes, were I able to afford it. Her designs are so close, if not most of the time exact, to what I've had in mind to make for myself, should I ever take up designing/making my own clothes. Fluid, comfortable, feminine, yet structured..and earthy. Perfect.

A couple of mid century pieces I saw over at craigslist. I'm really trying hard not to incorporate too many mid century pieces into our home, because I don't want the items I love that are
not from that era to look out of place. I like a lot of different styles, when it comes to design, so I would never restrict myself to just one style (especially not the one that
everyone is doing today). Besides, who wants their home to look like a showroom, whether it's today's or yesterday's? But, I can't help but see pieces like these and ogle and pine after them.
The cart is awesome! Even though you are a fabulous hostess as is, I am sure this would help. BTW, do you know of a good place here in Podunk for decent Earl Gray? ;o)
Actually, all I really need is a coffee table;) Still haven't gotten one!
Unfortunately, I don't know of a place to get earl gray there. But, if you can find loose leaf, you're going to be surprised just how much you like it!! The kind we had that day was Celestial Seasonings. I'd be prouder to be able to say it was a local source, and a loose leaf as well, but it was neither. So, if all else fails, you can find that at Cub. I think everything I've had from that brand has pretty much kicked ass.
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